Tired of paying high interest on your credit cards? An Express loan will pay off those bills, lower the interest rate, and your monthly payment. Think of how simple it would be to have one payment to cover everything.
Express will guarantee our fixed rates will stay the same for the life of the loan. Low affordable payments are locked in regardless how high interest rates may go. Further, if you wish to pay your loan sooner, you can do so anytime, without a pre-payment penalty. You pay interest only on the amount you borrow for the length of time you borrow it.
According to recent tax laws, interest payments on your new Express home loan may be tax deductible. For any borrowing needs, an Express loan will save you even more at tax time. Check with your tax advisor for the amount you can save.
A personal message from our Vice-President.
Pre-Apply Online! Don't delay!
Or call 800-CASH-JET today: An Express loan officer will answer your questions, and you may be assured that your application will be confidential.